Elder Law Legal Meaning and Definition

Here is a simplified definition of the legal term Elder Law.

Elder Law (noun)

Elder law is a specific area of legal practice that focuses on issues that impact the elderly population. This includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Estate Planning: The process of arranging the disposal of an individual's estate to minimize taxes and distribute assets.
  2. Wills and Trusts: Legal documents that dictate how an individual's assets and estate will be distributed after death.
  3. Healthcare and Care Arrangements: Legal plans and actions for an individual's medical care, including long-term care planning.
  4. Social Security and Retirement Benefits: Assisting with social security benefits, pension plans, and other retirement income.
  5. Protection Against Elder Abuse: Safeguarding older individuals from physical harm, emotional abuse, and financial exploitation.

This field has grown in importance due to the increasing longevity of today's population.